Us V Them Over and Over Again

Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving from "5 for Vendetta" via AMG | Logo Courtesy: Warner Bros. Entertainment; Photo Courtesy: Warner Bros. Entertainment/IMDb

Some nifty movies come and go, merely others transcend the moment, seemingly taking on a life of their ain. V for Vendetta (2005), which has something of a cult post-obit, is one such motion-picture show. While some critics dismissed it as a strange, activity-packed dystopian motion-picture show when it premiered, the film — and the graphic novel on which it's based — have go startlingly significant in retrospect. And then, in honor of Guy Fawkes Night, let's "remember, remember the fifth of Nov" by exploring why V for Vendetta remains a must-watch film.

The (Nefarious) Plot

In the world of V for Vendetta, the year is 2020. Dazed by the effects of the latest earth war, London is ruled by a fascist totalitarian regime that has turned the United Kingdom into a police state. While most members of society are led along like the sheep they've been forced to become, a mysterious vigilante has other ideas.

Natalie Portman in "V for Vendetta." Photograph Courtesy: Warner Bros. Entertainment

This vigilante goes by V (Hugo Weaving), and when he arrives on the scene — wearing the now-iconic Guy Fawkes mask — his programme involves dismantling the government with a series of "terrorist" plots. One night, he happens upon a young woman named Evey (Natalie Portman) and, simply in time, saves her from beingness attacked by the secret constabulary. Trivial does 5 know, Evey volition bear witness to exist an intriguing ally in his quest to free his nation from the oppressive government.

Initially, some critics weren't quite sure what to make of the film. Ane reviewer remarked, "What it doesn't manage is to create a credible future or avoid pomposity." Ironically, the film was not only inspired by actual events from the by, but it also proved to predict several all-besides-relevant events and themes that would really unfold in 2020 — the yr in which it was set.

Before V for Vendetta hit the silver screen, information technology was originally penned as a graphic novel series past Alan Moore and David Lloyd. The pair starting time adult the storyline during the early 1980s, a fourth dimension when the anti-Margaret Thatcher riots were alive and well — and a time during which many feared the ascension of the far-correct National Forepart. Initial drafts of their agitator vigilante, V, reportedly looked a scrap superhero-similar, merely Lloyd finally suggested outfitting V with a Guy Fawkes mask. And so, why's that significant?

 Photo Courtesy: Andrew_Howe/iStock

While the now-famous mask may non have initially held much significance to American audiences, its message couldn't take been more clear for viewers (and readers) in the U.Thou; each year, on November v, Guy Fawkes celebrations light up the night throughout the U.One thousand. Celebrants calorie-free bonfires and set off fireworks, all to commemorate the foiling of an infamous plot that dates dorsum to 1605.

The plot in question was orchestrated by a group of Catholic rebels who attempted to blow upward the Protestant Male monarch James I and his Parliament by sneaking 36 barrels of gunpowder into a storage room below the Firm of Lords. Nonetheless, discussion of the plot was leaked, allowing the authorities to capture a key conspirator, Guy Fawkes, before he had a adventure to light the fuses of the nearby gunpowder.

Guy Fawkes' Complicated Legacy

Afterwards Fawkes was caught belongings the bag — or, in this case, the fuses — he was tortured into revealing the names of his co-conspirators. Those who had however to flee the country were eventually rounded upwardly and treated as traitors — grisly deaths and all.

Hugo Weaving in "Five for Vendetta." Photo Courtesy: Warner Bros. Entertainment/IMDb

Fawkes became a sort of symbol for political treachery over the years, and, for centuries, Guy Fawkes Dark (Nov 5th) has seen the called-for of his effigy over massive bonfires throughout the U.K. Oft depicted wearing the infamous black acme hat, boots, and cloak he was discovered in, Guy Fawkes was far from a heroic figure for many centuries. When his mask came into play, it was traditionally used to symbolize a reviled historical miscreant.

Only that all changed centuries later. The introduction of the mask in V for Vendetta of a sudden introduced the possibility of a whole new meaning. Of a sudden, the mask — and Guy Fawkes — symbolized a spirit of resistance in the confront of oppression, and it was soon adopted by a diversity of protest groups. From Anonymous to Occupy Wall Street, the mask began popping up around the world as a symbol of unity among those looking to dismantle oppressive systems, governments, or institutions.

The Alarmingly Predictive Plot Points in "5 for Vendetta"

While information technology received lukewarm reviews when it was initially released, V for Vendetta managed to get together a cult post-obit — ane that's gaining fifty-fifty more than traction at present. If you go a chance to give it a re-sentinel, i of the parallels yous may notice is the mention of a devastating pandemic; the "St. Mary's Virus," a product of biological war that holds Britain in the grip of a mortiferous public health crunch, feels eerily like to our own 2020 experiences.

The idea that a virus could wipe out over 100,000 people in our technologically-savvy present may have seemed similar the stuff of science fiction when the pic was released in 2005, but we now alive in a time where COVID-19 has claimed the lives of over iv million people around the globe.

Hugo Weaving in "V for Vendetta." Photo Courtesy: Warner Bros. Entertainment/IMDb

In the pic, the ruling regime attempts to arraign the outbreak on terrorists, all the while having engineered it as an try to retain control. While this isn't the case with the COVID-nineteen pandemic, the virus did manage to spark an unprecedented amount of political controversy, overshadowing the fact that information technology was — and remains — a public health crisis, not a political talking point or opinion.

Aside from the pandemic parallels, the film centers on V'southward fight against a political party known as Norsefire, a neo-fascist, white supremacist group that vilifies socialists, Blackness people, Jewish people, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. When the real 2020 arrived with a set of very real concerns surrounding the growing "alt-right" motility and the rise of emboldened white supremacist attacks in the U.S. (and elsewhere), many 5 for Vendetta fans couldn't help but meet the troubling parallels.

All of this to say, if yous're one of the many initial viewers that remember V for Vendetta equally a shadowy yet thoughtful action picture show, it may exist worth revisiting today — especially on Guy Fawkes Night. While nosotros don't want to spoil any major plot points for you, just know that you'll come away with a lot to mull over.


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